Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sleep now, Stress later

"Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."
 Proverbs 20:13

I read that the other morning and it stung quite a bit.  As a stay at home mom of three, I have to admit I love sleep...when I can get it.  Late nights up doing laundry and cleaning, early mornings trying to sneak in a few quiet moments alone with the Lord, and the all day attention and energy required of my wonderful blessings leave me exhausted and ready to crash when their nap time comes around.  If I'm not careful, however, I can use that as an excuse to be less productive than I should.  Sometimes I feel too tired to cook dinner, so I suggest going somewhere.  Sometimes I don't have the energy to organize my grocery list or clip coupons so I go to the store and buy what's needed without being intentional with sales. Other times we go out somewhere, forgetting something and have to make several trips.  

What I've realized from dwelling over this verse is that when we are careful and intentional with our time and our planning, we will become better stewards of the resources the Lord has blessed us with.  Sleep isn't bad, we were designed by our Creator to need it,  BUT choosing sleep over productivity will catch up to us if we're not careful.  Yes, I will still take a nap here and there and I will go to bed early without folding all of the laundry if I feel it is necessary, but what I have gained by seizing those moments and working instead of resting is more time it seems...time to be with my Lord, time to organize my desk drawers or clean something, and even time to blog!  

Basically, work hard, be diligent, and you will see the fruit of your labor. I'm a long way away from being the woman described in Proverbs 31:10-31, but I believe diligence and good planning of her time has a large part in her success.

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Proverbs 31:27

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